The Reshaping of Britain by Clifford Hill
by Nikki Smith
November 01, 2019
This book is well worth the time to read, particularly as it
is an account of contemporary history that unpacks unknown details of significant events in the life of the nation over the past 60 years. Clifford Hill explains how the Church has been affected by culture, and charts the course of societal and spiritual change which has transformed the nation since the 1960’s.
What speaks to me is that having been a Christian, myself for almost 30 years, I can see for myself the truth in what he says and identify the same areas of decline that he does. It will spur you on to pray, to grieve for what our church leaders have allowed, and our government, but also to take that stand, to come against the tide of evil that threatens to destroy so much of our Christian Heritage, which includes the structure of family, education, health, the legal system, religion and the economy.
It would be very interesting to discuss, especially his view of the Spirit that visited a number of churches in the 90’s. Having experienced that myself and God’s pleasure and delight in blessing His children, I cannot dismiss it quite so readily as Mr Hill.
On the other hand, he is to be much admired for his challenging and inspirational stand against spiritual apathy and his willingness to be set apart as a voice for prophetic insight. I heartily agree with him that the church should be the priest and prophet to the nations. “The priest speaks to God on behalf of the nation and the prophet speaks to the nation on behalf of God.”