The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy

The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy

Waterstone’s BOOK OF THE YEAR

“Honestly the most inspirational book I have ever owned, makes me want to paint, makes me want to bake cake.  Makes me grateful to have a glass.  It is a book I am buying for my 73yr old mum, 9 yr old nieces and a few friends for Christmas too.. it’s really for all age groups. I read it in 30 minutes but I will forever dip into it. Charlie’s art and words are a light we all need in our lives. Thank you Charlie!”

. . . a review out of hundreds on Amazon, but Esher Greeners are snapping then up!  An inspirational approach to Christian values. Available for under £10 if you look around. Charlie Mackesy, a member of HTB, is a professional artist witnessing to Christ through his work