The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy
by John Bradley
Waterstone’s BOOK OF THE YEAR
“Honestly the most inspirational book I have ever owned, makes me want to paint, makes me want to bake cake. Makes me grateful to have a glass. It is a book I am buying for my 73yr old mum, 9 yr old nieces and a few friends for Christmas too.. it’s really for all age groups. I read it in 30 minutes but I will forever dip into it. Charlie’s art and words are a light we all need in our lives. Thank you Charlie!”
. . . a review out of hundreds on Amazon, but Esher Greeners are snapping then up! An inspirational approach to Christian values. Available for under £10 if you look around. Charlie Mackesy, a member of HTB, is a professional artist witnessing to Christ through his work