A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers

A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers

What was Jesus like as a boy and how did his mother Mary cope with being the mother of Christ and seeing her Son die?

The book ‘A Lineage of Grace’ by New York Times bestseller author Francine Rivers is a series of five historical fiction novellas. Each novella details the story of a woman in the lineage of Jesus to include Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary.  With over 6,000 Amazon reviews averaging 4.7 one person comments “This book brings the lives of 5 Old Testament women to life. It’s so well researched that it gives context and better understanding to these books of the Bible, whilst remaining true to the original writings. I just loved reading it.”

No one knows for sure some of the background details to the lives of these five women, but the books are highly readable and breathe new life into their characters and, for some, perhaps new Biblical insights.