Disappointment with God by Phillip Yancey

Disappointment with God by Phillip Yancey

In Disappointment with God, the popular Christian author Phillip Yancey poses three questions that Christians wonder, but seldom ask aloud: Is God unfair? Is he silent? Is he hidden?

This moving book points to the differences between our concepts of God and the realities of life. Why, if God is so keen for a relationship with us, does he seem so distant?Β  If God cares for us, why do bad things happen?

Near the start of the book Phillip Yancey focuses on a young man, who, disappointed with God, loses his faith.

He then majors on how God related to Israel in the Old Testament, sometimes in very visible ways, to the change in the New Testament. The book also focuses on the cosmic wager described in the book of Job and how Job came through without clear answers.

Near the end of the book, Phillip Yancey uses the touching example of a photo his father (whom he never met) kept of him when his father was in an Iron lung before dying of polio. He did not find the photo until he was in college and draws the analogy between the love of a seemingly distant earthly and heavenly father.