Faith unravelled by Rachel Held Evans

by Luke Randall
Rachel Held Evans, a New York Times Bestseller, grew up in a loving, conservative Christian home. As an adult, her faith begins to unravel at Bible college as she finds no simple answers to some of the tough theological questions and in the face of world atrocities.
With over 2,000 Amazon reviews, averaging at 4.7, this book takes one on a journey from sure faith as a child and young adult, through doubt to revised faith. From being sure of the theology to looking at the character and life of Jesus for inspiration.
This is not an academic book on theology and doesn’t purport to have all the answers, but it is the honest record of a person’s struggles with their faith and some mainstream Christian beliefs, as well as touching on Christianity and American politics. Rachel commented that “…what drives most people away from Christianity is not the cost of discipleship but rather the cost of false fundamentals”.
One reviewer wrote ‘A brilliant read for anyone who has questions about their faith. Faith can’t just be summed up in understanding, I love how Rachel explores questions that many Christians might be afraid to ask.’