Stories From The Streets by Dr Luke Randall & Sue Shaw

by John Bradley
Luke Randall’s book about the important work of Street Pastors in which he takes part. This is a preview to the book written by Luke and his Street Pastor colleague, Sue Shaw. Published in October 2020 by Instant Apostle Books. Luke’s web site for this book is:
From the Foreward by Les Isaac, founder of Street Pastors in 2004:
The Church is a force for good in the world and it is represented by a body of people who exhibit a rich history of caring for the poor, the weak and the vulnerable in our society. The Street Pastors initiative reflects this relevance of the Church, and even more importantly, of Christ and His gospel.
Stories from the Street seeks to demonstrate and celebrate this relevance by highlighting the excellence and the transformative power of the work being done by what I can only describe as a formidable army of Street Pastors who have become a welcome presence in their various battalions in towns and cities across our nation. The book captures the excitement and the passion of all the volunteers who serve as Street Pastors but also the gratitude of those with whom they come into contact. The stories also remind us that God is in the business of taking ordinary people and using them in powerful and practical ways.